Amnon Dafni-MeromMD-PhD candidate

Amnon Dafni-Merom is an MD-PhD candidate at the Computational Neuropsychiatry Lab. He received his B.Sc in Psychobiology with honors from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He subsequently joined the Medicine and Bio-medicine Research Program (“Marom” Program) for a combined MD-PhD training at the Hadassah Hebrew University Medical School, and began his direct PhD degree in the Department of Neurobiological Medicine under the supervision of Prof. Shahar Arzy. Amnon investigates the brain mechanisms underlying the relations between the behaving self and its cognitive representation of the world. He’s specifically interested in how these cognitive functions deteriorate in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. Amnon enjoys trekking, playing board games and is a passionate FC Barcelona fan (Visca El Barça!).

His Erdös–Bacon number is 9.

Erdos number: Magidor, Menachem (Erdös=1, 1976) => Lehmann, Daniel J. => Abeles, Moshe => Ben-Shaul, Yoram => Dafni, Amnon

Bacon number: Michael Sheen (Bacon=1, Frost/Nixon) => Lior Ashkenazi (Norman) => Yael Grobglas (Rabies) => Amnon Dafni (JeruZalem)